April 22nd, 2018
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Speyside Stages & Kames 5 Star Spring Stages Results
Well done to David Bogie & John Rowan in the Oakbank Sponsored Skoda Fabia R5 on winning the Speyside Stages by 1.16secs
Another giant killing result goes to Greg McKnight & Harry Marchbank in the very tidy Scottish Gritting sponsored Millington powered Mk2 escort 13th Overall 1st in Class and 1st 2wd
Jim Robertson &Mike Curry in the Penpont Garage Sponsored Mk2 escort finishing 44th Overall
Niall Cowan & Thomas Bruce in their Earsman Sponsored MGZR failed to finish due to engine problem.
Scott Sloan &David Sloan failed to start the event due to towing
vehicle breaking down on route to Elgin
Moving on to the 5 Star Sponsored Spring Kames Rally
Alice Paterson & Ian Crosbie in the Oaktree Garage Sponsored Peugeot 107.
Went out with a bit of a push on as we enjoy this venue to find ourself lying about 5/6 from a field of 14 junior crews by lunch time, then the auld yin had a bit of a blinker moment and we followed another car which was also doing an extra loop and adding 30 secs onto our stage time to finish the day 8th Overall , which was a vast improment on our stage times last year ,so looking good for 2018.
Next Event Leuchar airbase on the 26th May
Thanks to Eddie Kelly Motorsport Photography for the great photos