‘Maximum Attack’ Slot Racing Night. November 27th.

December 5th, 2013

‘Maximum Attack’ Slot Racing Night. November 27th.

Here are the results of most of the activities on the night.

Bob Sloan’s Scalextric Night  Quiz

Winner Dan Wright scoring 15/20
second Paul Whyte with 14/20
Not sure if there was a prize for this or if it was  just for fun.

Maximum Attack “Name the Rally Drivers”  picture quiz

Winner Paul Whyte with 20/20 who gets a £10 Tesco Giftcard.
He was closely followed by Dan Wright, Bob Sloan and David  Crosbie all on 19/20 and”Bing” got 17/20
The correct answers were
1 Jimmy McRae
2 Didier Auriol
3 Colin McRae
4 Louise Aitken Walker
5 Murray Grierson
6 Sebastian Ogier
7 Per Eklund
8 Michelle Moutton
9 David Bogie
10 Timo Salonen
11 Kris Meeke
12 Paddy Hopkirk
13 Roger Clark
14 Hannu Mikkola
15 Ari Vatanen
16 Ari Vatanen
17 Pentti Arrikkala
18 Sebastian Loeb
19 Henri Toivonen
20 Euan Thorburn


Kelsey  Gillespie        230 seconds
Iain  Wilson                234
Wullie  Keaning         237
Colin  Maxwell            237
Tony  Currie               237
Mark  Simpson         238
Cole  Hastings          239
Warren  Gillespie      239
Ian  Wright                239
Hayley  Robb            241
David  Crosbie          241
Gary  Wright             242
Ryan  Wilson            243
Ian  Crosbie              244
Paul  Whyte             245
Scott Paterson        246
Stuart  Paterson      247
Shirley  Currie         253
Bob  Sloan              254
Ian  Paterson          257
Simon McLaughlin 261
Graham Currie        262
Allan  Paterson       267
Wallace Keaning   271
Owen Paterson      274
Dan  Wright            286
Keith Freemantle  288
Kevin Andrews      DNF 
All of the competitors on the above who are also club members, will receive points for the 2013 Scavenger Hunt Trophy Championship.

PAUL SWIFT Stunt Experience Mk2 Escort  Challenge

Kelsey Gillespie     79  seconds
Hayley  Robb          83
Iain  Wilson            89
Cole  Hastings        92
Warren  Gillespie    93
Tony  Currie            93
Stuart Paterson      93
Colin  Maxwell        93
Ryan  Wilson         93
Ian  Wright              94
Mark Simpson        95
Wullie Keaning       96
Ian  Crosbie             96
Bob  Sloan              97
David Crosbie         98
Gary  Wright          98
Shirley Currie         98
Graham Currie        98
Scott Paterson       98
Ian  Paterson        100
Paul  Whyte         103
Wallace Keaning  114
Owen Paterson    114
Simin McLaughlin 116
Keith Freemantle  117
Allan  Paterson     120
Dan  Wright          133
Kevin Andrews     non  starter
Our gratitude to David Bogie Rallying  and Paul Swift Stunt Driving Experience who provided t-shirts and wooly hats as  prizes, to everyone who helped to pack everything into Gordon’s car after the event and to everyone who turned up to compete on the night.
The full amount raised for charity will be announced soon.