Jim Clark Marshals Appeal

April 8th, 2013

Jim Clark Marshals Appeal

A request from Andy Nicholls of the Jim Clark Rally:
“The ONLY closed road stage rally on UK mainland runs on
31st May to 2nd June, above dates, centred on the town of
Duns in the Scottish Borders.
Staffing the event is a task of vast proportions and complexities,
requiring a lot of Marshals to enable the event to run safely.
We need to know in advance that this can be achieved and this is
where we ask for your help and assistance to marshal the event.
Although we are assisted by Marshals from all over the UK and
beyond, I would like to see a greater involvement of Scottish
Motor Club members.
After all, this is a Scottish based event
named after a Scottish ledgend in motor sport and is why I’m
encouraging Scottish clubs to become more involved in the event.
If your club or members of it would be able to assist, they would  be
very welcome.
Camping facilities are available in Duns FOC to marshals
covering stages on two or more days. A social event is being
planned for Saturday evening. Duns usual facilities are there too.
If you can help or would like further information, please  contact
the Chief Marshal via the Jim  Clark website
or myself, Andy Nicholls,
Tel: 07752310930″