March 24th, 2017
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SoSCC junior member Alice Paterson
South of Scotland Car Club’s junior rally driver Alice Paterson from Dumfries along with her fellow competitor East Ayrshire Car Club Junior rally driver Amy Mc Cubbin
Amy McCubbin & Alice Paterson
DAVID Coulthard believes women don’t have the killer instinct to race to win.
The ex-Formula 1 driver-turned-pundit says it’s because rather than the urge to go for the jugular, women instead, have a “mothering gene”.
His views have prompted outrage and indignation and in the link below eight Scotswomen are out prove him absolutely wrong.
Ranging in age from 15 to 51, they all have one thing in common, the need for speed. And they do not want to just beat each other. They want to ace the men.
Click on link below to read article
Any other 14 to 17 years olds boys & girls out their think they are junior rally drivers can find out more on link below